Weather at the resort

Weather at the resort

Rosa Valley
Rosa Plateau
Rosa Peak


8 (800) 444-44-28 - booking department, hotel reception
8 (928) 854-31-03 - booking department (WhatsApp, Telegram)   
The working hours of the hotel reservation department 9:00-19:00 (daily)
8 (928) 234-01-48 , 8 (928) 854-12-52 Group and Event Booking Department (WhatsApp, Telegram)
354392, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Esto-sadok village, Rosa Khutor resort, Mountain Olympic Village, Sulimovka str., 7.
GPS coordinates for the navigator are 43.664046, 40.314917

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By electric train
The Lastochka electric train runs on the routes Adler — Rosa Khutor — Adler and Sochi Airport — Rosa Khutor — Sochi Airport on a daily basis. The journey time is 40-45 minutes. For the convenience of guests arriving at the resort by electric train, a free shuttle service is organized from the Rosa Khutor station to the resort hotels. Check the schedule, as well as the cost of tickets for the electric train on the official website of Russian Railways.
By bus
City bus No. 105 goes from the railway station of central Sochi to the resort of Rosa Khutor, with a stop at the international airport. City bus No. 135 goes from the Olympic Park in Adler.
By car
40 km from Adler along the recently updated A-148 highway, safe and straight, with excellent coverage and several new tunnels. The road originates in the center of the Adler district of Sochi (Adler) at a roundabout with the federal highway M-27.
On the territory of the lower base of the resort, in the Rosa Valley, there are five indoor and one outdoor parking, with a total capacity of more than 10,000 cars.

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